About Me

My name is Phil Knox and I have been practicing Hypnotherapy/NLP since 1993 when I first qualified with British Hypnosis Research at St Annes Hospital London. Since then I have always kept up with new developments in the field of ‘brief therapy’ While doing this I have not only focused on what works most effectively but on change work that lasts. This approach has lead me to gaining first Practitioner and then Trainer qualifications in what I view as one of today’s cutting edge approaches to therapeutic change IEMT.
I am very excited to be involved in IEMT as it is one of the most consistently effective and yet simply elegant approaches I have come across in many years.
So much so that even though I have been using it in my work with clients for quite some time now; I am still consistently surprised to discover how well this technology works with an ever expanding variety of issues.
In fact IEMT has become such an integral part of the way that I structure my sessions now that it is rare for me not to use it when working with a client. It’s a great feeling to see a client not only arrive at a new understanding about an issue but to not even be able to feel an emotion connected to it, when just moments before it had been plaguing their life.
If you would like to discover the same excitement I have about IEMT and learn how to train in it, on one of my IEMT approved courses, visit the training pages on this site now and discover more about my upcoming trainings.
If you'd like to get in touch regarding this site or upcoming training please use the contact form below.
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