Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) is a continuously developing area of surprisingly brief, change work that explores the area of unwanted emotions and our ways of being. Clients will often be heard to say, “How do you do that?” when a particular emotional response they have had to something for years, just isn’t there anymore.

Of course, a practitioner just facilitates the client’s mind’s ability to bring about the change itself, but it does demonstrate how powerful and quick change can be brought about with the IEMT approach. Indeed practitioners consistently report that IEMT has facilitated change in their clients, where before that, no other approach has worked. I myself have been told by someone I was their “last hope” “No pressure then?” I replied, but the issue, a persistent nasal discomfort without any apparent physical cause (according to the many medical tests the client had experienced), responded none the less.

This is explained in part by the fact that the area of the brain responsible for emotional discomfort is also responsible for physical discomfort. The many areas that IEMT can be applied to are still being explored and research is currently going on with issues as seemingly diverse as Psoriasis, Allergies, and Physical pain.The process delves into the question, “How did we learn to feel the way that we feel?” and by doing so opens up the possibility of making an appropriate alteration in our emotional and physical lives.By drawing resources and skills into awareness inside the problem state, IEMT appears to bring the client more into the present moment and enables them to avoid repeating past negative

This is important because the mind often uses past experiences to make sense of present experience. If those past experiences have strong negative emotions attached to them, a person can find themselves responding with emotions of a type and amplitude that seem totally inappropriate to the situations where they occur. Not only that, these emotions often act as a negative filter on the events being experienced, shaping our responses and behaviours to the detriment of ourselves and other people.

I often explain it to clients by comparing the process that takes place, to being in a dream whilst asleep. A dream behaves like a ‘closed system’ so a person can dream they are in a job they haven’t done for years, or that they are living in a location they haven’t seen since childhood. In the dream, these things seem totally plausible and feel real because no new information can enter the ‘bubble’ of that imagined experience. When a person wakes up however, reality floods in, updates the experience and the dream is seen for what it is and any emotions associated with the dream experience, that seemed so appropriate when in the dream, simply drop away.

The beauty of IEMT is it allows the updating of past experiences so that the baggage of the past is no longer brought up to distort responses to the present. In a similar way, IEMT also addresses the issue of, “how did this person learn to be this way?” by dealing with issues they have actually ‘identified with’,

Whilst an example of an emotional imprint might be, “I feel unhappy”, an identity imprint might be, “I am an unhappy person” or even, “I am a depressive.” Having such an identity label can cause a person to filter their reality in a way that reinforces the problem.
Specifically addressing the identity imprint permits a practitioner of IEMT to by-pass the beliefs that so often help to maintain damaging identity labels such as, “I cannot do that because I am a depressive” or “I am an Alcoholic” or “I am a Gambler” and so forth.

From these examples, it can be seen that working with identity imprints can free up a person’s potential, where previously it has been stifled by limiting negative beliefs and outlooks they have identified with. If you’d like to read more on how this works, visit the page on this site about episodic memory
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Copyright Phil Knox 2015 - 2019